Two years, two polls and in between some apparent forgiveness for NFL star Michael Vick.
Recently the results of a Marist survey polling several hundred NFL fans were released. The hot topic this go round comes after the reinstatement and subsequent Philadelphia Eagles signing of quarterback Vick, convicted dog torturer. According to the poll 57% of football fans agree that Vick ought to be able to return to the NFL having served his time whereas 36% disagree and think the former Atlanta Falcons star should remain banned for his actions.
These are contrasting results with a two year old Gallup poll released in the wake of accusations of Vick’s involvement in dog fighting and animal cruelty. 40% of responders said they thought Vick should be allowed to return to the NFL after serving his time against 58% who disagreed. The Marist poll using similar samples sizes and methodology to the Gallup survey points to a considerable increase in forgiveness of NFL fans now that Vick has been forced to spend 23-months in prison and pay in the millions for his crimes.
Also on the rise are the percentage of NFL fans who would like to see Michael Vick play for their favorite team. The 2007 Gallup release indicated just 22% were in favor of Vick wearing their team’s colors after he served his sentence. The latest Marist poll has that figure up to 37%.
Controversy was bound to get stirred up regardless of where Vick was going to land, but in generally outspoken Philadelphia his presence on the Eagles has been greeted with wildly divergent views. While no poll of Philly fans was taken specifically the Marist survey indicates that residents of the Northeast are particularly against (62%) the idea of Vick playing for their beloved team.
In addition to the opinion gap amongst Eagles supporters there is wide gender gap regarding the reinstatement of athletes convicted of a crime according to the Marist poll. 64% of men against only 42% women agree that former athletes should be allowed to return their sporting profession after serving their sentence. Among fans of both genders NFL players may be facing an uphill battle in the war of perception, at least in comparison to most other sports according to the Gallup survey. Footballers rank sixth out of seven sports (golf, tennis, baseball, hockey, football, basketball) polled in terms of how positive individual players are viewed.
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